Savaad and Noela attempting to tack Tin Dragon |
It was the Ides of March, time for the 11th International Tin Canoe Regatta at Iluka, which is a pretentious tongue-in-cheek title given to an informal gathering of enthusiasts intent on keeping alive an old tradition - sailing home made tin canoes. It was the third time that Savaad and I took Tin Dragon along and Noela came as forward hand and showed great ability bailing. There was a light southerly breeze until around noon on Sunday, just right for 10 tin canoes but then .....
Savaad sailed the first non-race with Noela crewing and I sailed the second non-race with Savaad crewing. There is no shadow of doubt that, in keeping with the spirit of the non-event, we had great fun despite a capsize in about 1 knot of wind and a close encounter with the new entrant Puff, see the photo below. But Tin Canoe just wouldn't tack and at times wouldn't even gybe. Really frustrating. We didn't even complete one round of the course when the leaders had completed 2 or even 3. Ignominy.
Close encounter between Puff and Tin Dragon |
Before non-race 3 we gave Tin Dragon a sprit and back stay in a futile attempt to make her steerable. Savaad and Noela had an exhilarating first leg and absolutely flew across the harbour, they reckon they were first to the mark near the rock wall (a claim that is hotly contested). At that very moment a southerly buster struck. Canoes scattered in all directions, some crashed onto the rock wall, some scudded right up to the far end of the harbour, others were barely visible to anxious watchers on the shore being largely submerged, one seemed intent on exiting the harbour in the direction of Yamba. The rescue boat had its work cut out. However Tin Dragon bravely limped back to the starting point unaided despite being water logged. Noela reports they just couldn't stop laughing.
Rob's tin canoe Odd Job has a drop rudder and drop keel |
Rob's tin canoe Outrigorous drop keel |
Rob's tin canoe Outrigorous has an excellent rudder |
We are determined to have Tin Dragon steerable next year, but how? The main suggestions are a larger rudder and a drop centre board. Both Rob's tin canoes sailed brilliantly and isn't imitation the best form of flattery?
PS Please Shielas get it together for next year, we missed you!
PPS We were awarded the Hard Luck Trophy.
The sardine tin cunningly contains tin, sailcloth, bamboo, balsa - what more can we need for a refit? (answer: cut up inner tubes).
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