Bridge opening at Harwood on Tuesday morning.
We sailed from Harwood to Iluka in record breaking time hitting quite a fearsome chop caused by a stiff head wind against a full ebb tide around Browns Rocks. Rae quickly learnt the arcane art of shifting her weight and getting the jib in at the critical moment when we tacked . Yet again we were the last to arrive in the shelter of Iluka Bay and were met by slightly concerned enquiries of "are you ok?". We had had a ball.
My trailer was waiting for us at the boat ramp ramp near the Iluka ferry terminal and we ended a most agreeable cruise there on Wednesday morning after a final evening of congenial company at Sedges.
We were safely home on Thursday but I spared a thought for the rest of the fleet racing back to Grafton. As happened the year before the wind turned ugly on the day of the race and I am still waiting to hear if there were any breakages, presumably nothing serious as I would have heard by now.
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