The 2017 Clarence Yacht Club Classic Cruise started as always in Grafton and sailed down river to Iluka and back stopping at almost every pub en route (seemed to miss out Harwood Hilton this year), Ulmarra, Brushgrove, Lawrence, Iluka and Maclean. 20 boats this year - a record.
Steve is a sucker for punishment, having crewed on the Bay to Bay earlier this year he put his hand up to come on the pub crawl as well - and he usually sticks to tomato juice! We launched at Brushgrove - with difficulty due to trees overhanging the ramp that really need urgent pruning. The others sailed in from Ulmarra and we joined them for dinner.
BBQ on Munro Island opposite Lawrence |
Next day we all sailed downriver in very light winds to Lawrence, some pulled up at the jetty and headed off for a lunchtime pint at the pub but most of the fleet went straight over to Munro Island, opposite Lawrence, where we stern anchored on the beach. After a lazy afternoon largely comparing features on each others boats the organisers lit a fire and sizzled snags. These were served with excellent salads. The majority of the fleet (not us) had come well prepared. Out came tables, chairs, eskys and heaps of liquid refreshment. I was amazed that the three eggs on the beach survived.
These eggs survived our beach BBQ |
Watchful pelican at Harwood |
The following day it was an early start to get to the 11.00 am bridge opening at Harwood. Unfortunately almost no wind so we had to motor sail but we made such good speed with the tide that there was time to pull at at the pontoon in Maclean for a quick coffee.
After milling around waiting for the bridge to open the wind started to pick up and there was a fine breeze all the way down to Iluka. We stopped en route at the BRSC at Harwood so those who wanted could come ashore for a cuppa and a shower. We were the last to arrive in Iluka Bay and I was a bit concerned that there wouldn't be any space on the pontoon, but luckily a tinny pulled out just as we arrived leaving a perfect spot. More (much more) than enough help to get us safely berthed.
Pam and Steve on pontoon in front of Sedgers at Iluka |
The following day, Thursday, was a "lay day". During the afternoon Steve went for a rainforest walk and I was surprised how much I enjoyed learning barefoot bowls at the Bowling Club. After the bowls we all dined at the bowlo - ours was free as we won some club raffle.
Leaving Iluka Bay |
We left Iluka Bay on Friday morning and had an excellent sail back to the BRSC where we pulled out and packed up. It takes a bit of car and trailer shuffling at the start to launch at Brushgrove and end at the BRSC but this fitted with our time constraints. The rest of the fleet raced from Iluka to the Harwood Bridge then overnighted at Maclean. The following day, Saturday there was a second race up to Ulmarra - but by that time we were home.
Thanks to the Clarence River Yacht Club organisers. It is an excellent event which we both thoroughly enjoyed and I hope to come again. However I shouldn't promote it too much as I reckon it will be hard to manage many more than 20 boats taking part given the size of the various pontoons.
We were more addicted to tea and coffee than booze |
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